The Tanner Group Inc.
Developing Client Success since 1984

The Tanner Group, Inc. was formed in 1984 to assist organizations in making critical decisions in telecommunications.  Our initial emphasis was toll optimization and network integration.  Since that time we have assisted organizations throughout the USA in negotiating rates and contracts and designing telecommunication systems and call centers that have reduced our client’s costs by millions while dramatically enhancing their ability to serve their customers.

The communications industry is one of the fastest changing industries in existence.  There is no longer a separation between datacommunications, Internet access, Voice over Internet Protocol, cloud servers and personal communication devices such as smart phones, tablets and a host of customizable devices.  Telecommunications is no longer limited to the phone on your desk.  The services being offered by the myriad communications vendors and equipment manufacturers can create an almost overwhelming collection of choices for today’s decision-makers.  Some of these choices are obvious, but there are many, often less obvious, important decisions which either are never made or are faulty, which can cost the organization dearly in increased overhead, unnecessary expense and/or lost opportunities.

As you contemplate expanding or replacing the capabilities of your telecommunications system or wide area network, correct decisions during the design, installation and administration phases of these endeavors are crucial to the success of the overall operation and will have an impact for many years to come.  The Tanner Group has the necessary experience and expertise to assist you in developing and implementing a successful telecommunications strategic plan.

We have the experience and skills to make your organization smarter, faster and more successful.